Sunday, August 2, 2009

Simple and Profound- Written by Shubhasree, my sister

The angel with her wand was to grant a boon,
The little girl said she wanted to be the luckiest soon.

The angel replied “that entirely depends on u”,
Don’t u understand or should I give a clue?”

The little girl wailed and said the angel did betray,
For this, so long she had to sit n pray.

The angel stroked her head with a touch so kind,
So pure was the touch that made the little one realize pure love was hard to find.

She wiped her tears and said “show me the way”,
And was ready to accept what the angel had to say.

The lesson did begin,
It was a lesson to be passed on to every kith and kin.

To start your day with a smile,
Was the tool to give you strength to run 100 miles.

To forget the past and be in the present,
For your worries was an evident vent.

By the rules of love one should abide,
Is something we should never hide.

To appreciate the gift of living in home,
Wiped away the dread of being alone.

To have parents to take care and shower you with love each day,
Kept u strong and healthy in every way.

To have someone love you the way no one ever had,
Was the richest gown in which you could be clad.

To love and be loved was the key,
To make sure that you are happy and lucky.

With this the angel did disappear,
The little girl now had a happy tear.

She ran down the woods with a skip and a hop,
With giggle and laughter that no one could stop.

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